£eithChooses 2024-2025 is open for applications now!

£eith Chooses 2024-2025 is now open for applications!
Local charities and community groups* are invited to apply for project funding of up to £5,000 for a new project.
         The new theme this year is Leith Uniting.
Hopefully this is open enough to allow for all sorts of creative interpretations. Looking forward to hearing your ideas for new projects!

As usual, projects are invited that are new or adding new value (not continued funding of an existing service) that will be of benefit to the community in Leith. Projects should be designed to start after 1 April 2025 and run until March 2026 at the latest.

Please do ask for help and support in putting together your application if you wish. Contact leithchooses@edinburgh.gov.uk Please submit your application as early as you can – that then leaves time for any questions or adjustments that may be necessary, and avoids the stressful ‘last minute rush’! At the very latest, application forms must be submitted by 10th October 2024.

*only organisations that have a Constitution and a bank account may apply

Please download an application form here, and be sure to also download and study the Guidance Notes, to help you ascertain if your project is eligible, and to guide you in putting together your application. Various formats are available:

format Application Form Guidance Notes
DOCX Application form (DOCX format) Gu
idance notes (DOCX format)
DOC Application form (DOC format) Guidance notes (DOC format)
PDF Application form (PDF format) Guidance notes (PDF format)

You will also be able to pick up a paper form at Leith Library, McDonald Road Library, Leith Community Centre, Out of the Blue, Duncan Place, throughout September. (These are not quite in place yet, but should be in a week or two)

£eith Chooses 2024/25 opens for applications this week!

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer! Here’s the latest news from £eith Chooses –

The new theme for £eith Chooses for 2024/2025 is Leith Uniting.
Hopefully this is open enough to allow for all sorts of creative interpretations. We will look forward to hearing your ideas for new projects.

Applications are opening early, so you should have plenty time
Along with the ‘back to school’ bustle, £eith Chooses will be open for applications from Wednesday 14th August. You will thus have the full school term to prepare and submit your application (until mid October). But please make good use of this long preparation time, and don’t leave everything until the last minute…!

Get Support
At our ‘community conversation’ day in May 2023, many groups expressed a wish for support in putting together their application, and we are very happy to offer as much support as necessary. It’s a good idea to get in touch early, to make the most of support opportunities. Contact can be made via: leithchooses@edinburgh.gov.uk

The new Application Forms and Guidance Notes will be available very soon, from this site. Watch this space! Paper copies will also be available to be picked up from the Leith libraries, The Leith Community Centre, Out of the Blue, and Duncan Place.

£eith Chooses Results 2023-2024!

£eith Chooses 2023-2024 Results

In all, 23 projects applied to £eith Chooses this year, and the total amount of money requested amounted to £94,741. But as there was only £52,624 available, sadly not every group that applied could be successful in winning funding.

Based on the number of votes received from members of the Leith community, 12 projects will receive full funding and 1 project will receive partial funding. Congratulations to all!

Therefore, sadly, there are groups that were not successful this year. If your group’s name isn’t on this list below, it means your group has not been succesful in winning funding this year. Commiserations – this is of course very disappointing, but please don’t be too discouraged; your work, and your participation in £eith Chooses are really valued, and hopefully your time will come sometime soon.

A huge THANK YOU to everyone that took part!

This year, £eith Chooses will fund projects by the following community groups in Leith:

  • The Men of Leith Men’s Shed
  • Citadel Youth Centre
  • Edinburgh Remakery
  • Leith Festival
  • Edinburgh Tool Library
  • Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain
  • Hibernian Community Foundation
  • Dr Bells Family Centre
  • Leith Athletic
  • Edinburgh Community Food
  • Himalayan Centre
    & (partial funding)
  • SHE Scotland

If you want to know more about what all these groups / projects are about, you can check them out at https://www.leithchooses.net/gallery-of-project-applications-2024

If any groups would like to talk further about their position, they should contact Jade Mooney directly by email at leithchooses@edinburgh.gov.uk

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Results ‘ceremony’ tonight, it is so lovely that so many people made the effort, and showed yet again what a great community Leith is.

Only 3 days left to vote online!

Only 3 more days to go. If you have not yet voted online, please do so before the end (11:59pm) of Monday 5th February! So many brilliant projects, so it’s difficult to choose, as they all need funding. But it’s important that Leithers’ voices are the deciding factor – we really need as many people as possible to vote.

This where to go, to cast your votes  – https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/cf/leith-chooses-2024/
PS. you can still vote online (once only) even if you have already voted once in person at the Community Centre.


Only 4 days to go! Vote now!

Only 4 more days to go. If you have not yet voted online, please do so before the end of Monday 5th February! So many brilliant projects to choose from so it’s difficult, as they all need funding. But it’s important that Leithers’ voices are the deciding factor – so we really want as many people as possible to vote.

This where to go, to cast your votes  – https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/cf/leith-chooses-2024/
PS. you can still vote online (once only) even if you have already voted once in person at the Community Centre.


Vote online until February 5th

Who will receive receive £eith Chooses funding? It depends on your votes.
You have two votes – one in person (27th January) and one online. The in-person voting event is over now, so you may have missed that chance, but online voting is still open, so don’t miss that!

You can review all the great projects applying for funding, make your choices, and vote online once, until 5 February, at https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/cf/leith-chooses-2024/ (This link opens a  new window.)
Find out more about each project here (listed below in randomised order) or see the same project list on the voting site (This link opens a new window.):


Online voting is open – which brilliant Leith projects will you vote for?

Who will receive receive £eith Chooses funding? It depends on your votes.
Online voting is open now!

  • You can vote online once, between 22nd January and 5 February, at https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/cf/leith-chooses-2024/ (This link opens a  new window.)
  • And / or you can vote once in-person at the Voting Day event on 27th January, in Leith Community Centre – just come along and bring all your friends and family.
  • Everyone who lives, works, studies or volunteers in Leith is entitled to vote.
  • Read more about voting at https://www.leithchooses.net/eithchooses-voting-2024. (This link opens a new tab or new window.)
  • You need to check out all the brilliant project applications, and plan which you will vote for. If you want to browse before going to the voting site,the gallery of projects is now OPEN. (This link opens a new tab or new window, or see list below.)
    Find out more about each project here (listed below in randomised order) or see the same project list on the voting site (This link opens a new window.):


LeithChooses applicants – acknowledging receipt of your applications

LeithChooses has received quite a few applications by now. (Hint: deadline for applications is 24 October.) All the applications that we receive will be acknowledged by Jade Mooney (Jade.Mooney@edinburgh.gov.uk).

But if you have emailed an application and Jade hasn’t acknowledged receipt (sometimes emails with big attachments get stuck), please send a new email with no attachments to Jade. Please also copy in Bruce Ryan (bruceleithchooses@icloud.com), so there is an alternative email route.

Alternatively, please phone Jade on 07708 899544.

A Community Conversation – come and join!

3rd May – hold the date! The £eith Chooses team invites you to a Leith community ‘away day’ event (free lunch and refreshments).
This one day event will be a chance to network with other local charities and community groups, and to talk about common goals or potential collaborations for £eithChooses or other grant opportunities. Organisations that have applied to £eith Chooses in the past, or that may consider a future application, are invited, as are groups/individuals interested in integrating into, volunteering and supporting the Leith community.

When: Wednesday, May 3 (10am-4pm)
Where: Norton Park Conference Centre

This is not a drop-in day. Please follow the link below to register for the event:

We hope to have a relaxed and sociable ‘get together’ that may in some part help to replace the much-missed £eithChooses Voting day event, cancelled in recent years due to Covid.

It will also be an opportunity for the £eithChooses steering group and Edinburgh Council to hear from you about whether/how £eithChooses is working for you. We’d love to get feedback on this year’s vote. Your experience and knowledge of the needs of Leith can also feed into next year’s voting themes.

The day is supported by funding from


£eith Chooses 2022-2023 Results

In all, 20 projects applied to £eith Chooses this year, and the total amount of money requested amounted to £86,802. But of course, as there was only £54,102 available, sadly not every group that applies could be successful in winning funding. Based on the number of votes received from members of the Leith community, 12 projects will receive full funding. Congratulations to all!

Sadly, there are 8 groups that were not successful this year. If your name isn’t on this list below, it means your group has not been succesful in winning funding on this occasion. Commiserations – this is very disappointing, but please don’t be too discouraged;  your participation is really valued, and hopefully that your time will come sometime soon.

This year, £eith Chooses will fund the following 12 community groups in Leith:

Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB)
Edinburgh Community Food, and Leith Walk Police Box
Edinburgh NE Foodbank
Dr. Bells Family Centre
Sikh Sanjog
Central Leith After School Club (CLASP)
Edinburgh Tool Library
Hermitage Park School Association
Edinburgh Remakery
Himalayan Centre
YMCA Edinburgh

We will publish more details on this website later on.