Only 4 days to go! Vote now!

Only 4 more days to go. If you have not yet voted online, please do so before the end of Monday 5th February! So many brilliant projects to choose from so it’s difficult, as they all need funding. But it’s important that Leithers’ voices are the deciding factor – so we really want as many people as possible to vote.

This where to go, to cast your votes  –
PS. you can still vote online (once only) even if you have already voted once in person at the Community Centre.


Save the date – 27 January 2024!

All the applications for £eith Chooses are now in and being processed. Next comes YOUR chance to vote for which projects you think would benefit Leith the most.

Voting will be in January 2024. You will have 2 chances to vote –

  1. Online voting will open on Monday 22nd January and will be open for two weeks until 2nd February 2024
  2. In-person voting will be held in the Leith Community Centre on Saturday 27th January 2024.

You can vote once online and once in person. Please do try and come to the Voting Day in person, it is always a very lively day, fun for kids and a great chance to meet people and hear more about all the great organisations and groups that work to make Leith the fantastic community it is.

Get the date in your diary now!

a bit more time to get your application in!

We’ve extended the time for groups to apply to be in £eith Chooses 2023/2024 to 24 October. Even if it’s not 100% finished & refined, you should get your application in by this deadline, and ask for help from the Steering Group to tie up some of the loose ends, if needed.

There is £52,000 available for projects of up to £5,000 each. Yours could be one of the 10-12 projects that get funded!

The theme for £eith Chooses 2023/2024 is – yes, we know Glasgow thought of it first-

How to apply

  • Reflect on the 2023-2024 Theme: People Make Leith
  • Think about what kind of project your organisation would like to offer to the community, within this theme
  • Download and read the 2023-2024 Application Form and Guidance Notes
    • These are available below in DOCX format (for modern word-processors), DOC format (for older word-processors) and PDF (Adobe Acrobat, Apple Preview etc) formats.
  • Formulate your community project and calculate budget 
  • Consult partners, if appropriate. Remember that two or more groups may form a partnership, to best deliver a project that meets the theme.
  • Seek support with your application from the £eithChooses team, if you want
  • Write and submit application

2023-2024 Application Form and Guidance Notes

format Application Form Guidance Notes
DOCX Application form (DOCX format) Guidance notes (DOCX format)
DOC Application form (DOC format) Guidance notes (DOC format)
PDF Application form (PDF format) Guidance notes (PDF format)


  • Applications –  closes 24 October 2023 (any extensions will be announced at the time)
  • Support available – Email in to ask for further information, to run your plans past the Steering Group or to ask for personalised support ( by visit or online meeting). Contact:
  • Project Gallery available to view online – from 4 January 2024
  • Voting – online 22 January to 4 February 2023, plus an in-person voting day (27 January)
  • Results Announced – early February 2024
  • Funds Disbursed  – on or before 1 April 2024

Contact can be made via:


£eith Chooses Support Session for Applicants: 20 September

If you are planning to apply to £eith Chooses this year, you are invited to attend a support session on Wednesday 20th September, at Norton Park Conference Centre.

We will go through the application form to make sure everythig is clear, point out frequently made mistakes, and have plenty of time to answer qustions, arrange further support etc. as required.

Please register and sign up by emailing Jade Mooney at and please say whether you wish to attend 3-5pm or 5:30-7:30pm
Places are a bit limited (we are in a board room, not the main hall) so please book early, and please let us know if you have to cancel. Many thanks to Norton Park for hosting.


PEOPLE MAKE LEITH £eith Chooses 2023/2024 opens today!

£eith Chooses 2023/2024 is now open for applications! There is £52,000 available for projects of up to £5,000 each.

The theme for £eith Chooses 2023/2024 is – yes, we know Glasgow thought of it first-

How to apply

  • Reflect on the 2023-2024 Theme: People Make Leith
  • Think about what kind of project your organisation would like to offer to the community, within this theme
  • Download and read the 2023-2024 Application Form and Guidance Notes
    • These are available below in DOCX format (for modern word-processors), DOC format (for older word-processors) and PDF (Adobe Acrobat, Apple Preview etc) formats.
  • Formulate your community project and calculate budget 
  • Consult partners, if appropriate. Remember that two or more groups may form a partnership, to best deliver a project that meets the theme.
  • Seek support with your application from the £eithChooses team, if you want
  • Write and submit application

2023-2024 Application Form and Guidance Notes

format Application Form Guidance Notes
DOCX Application form (DOCX format) Guidance notes (DOCX format)
DOC Application form (DOC format) Guidance notes (DOC format)
PDF Application form (PDF format) Guidance notes (PDF format)


  • Applications open – 16 August 2023
  • Support available – sign up for Q & A sessions (September dates to be announced very soon) and / or email in to ask for information or for further personalised support
  • Applications close – 10 October 2023 (any extensions will be announced at the time)
  • Project Gallery available to view online – from 4 January 2024
  • Voting – online 22 January to 4 February 2023, plus an in-person voting day (29 January)
  • Results Announced – early February 2024
  • Funds Disbursed  – on or before 1 April 2024

Contact can be made via:

A Community Conversation – come and join!

3rd May – hold the date! The £eith Chooses team invites you to a Leith community ‘away day’ event (free lunch and refreshments).
This one day event will be a chance to network with other local charities and community groups, and to talk about common goals or potential collaborations for £eithChooses or other grant opportunities. Organisations that have applied to £eith Chooses in the past, or that may consider a future application, are invited, as are groups/individuals interested in integrating into, volunteering and supporting the Leith community.

When: Wednesday, May 3 (10am-4pm)
Where: Norton Park Conference Centre

This is not a drop-in day. Please follow the link below to register for the event:

We hope to have a relaxed and sociable ‘get together’ that may in some part help to replace the much-missed £eithChooses Voting day event, cancelled in recent years due to Covid.

It will also be an opportunity for the £eithChooses steering group and Edinburgh Council to hear from you about whether/how £eithChooses is working for you. We’d love to get feedback on this year’s vote. Your experience and knowledge of the needs of Leith can also feed into next year’s voting themes.

The day is supported by funding from


Votes are being counted

£eith Chooses voting has now closed and vote counting is in progress. Results will be announced as soon as possible, in the next couple of weeks.

Many thanks to all who took the trouble to vote, you have done a good thing, for the benefit of the community in Leith.

Voting is open now!

£eith Chooses voting is OPEN NOW! Please vote, and please pass the word around!

How do I vote?

Easiest for many people is to vote online at

Otherwise, pick up a paper voting paper at  any of the places listed below. (You can collect a voting form for someone else, but please do not photocopy forms, as each is invidually marked.) You can fill it in and deposit your vote on the spot there, or take a postage paid envelope and post it later.

McDonald Road Library
2-8 McDonald Road
Leith Library
28-30 Ferry Road
41 Newkirkgate
Out of the Blue Drill Hall
36 Dalmeny Street
The Wee Hub (The Living Memory Association)
1st floor (former Debenhams)
Ocean Terminal shopping centre
74 Ocean Drive


A new donation to £eith Chooses – thank you Port of Leith Housing Association!

£eith Chooses 2022-2023 opened this week and the best news possible just came in a day later – a very generous donation of £3,000 from Port of Leith Housing Association. Thank you PoLHA!
This new donation bumps the grant pot up to a total of £49,102, which means that more projects can be funded.

Hope your project ideas are flowing – now is the time to get started on your application!

Sustaining Leith: supporting and protecting the most vulnerable in our community

£eith Chooses 2022-2023 is open!

£eith Chooses 2022-2023 is opening earlier this year – it is open for applications NOW!

Applications for projects up to £5,000 will be accepted from 1st August 2022 until the end of September 2022. Please download the Guidance Notes and an Application Form here (choose whichever is your preferred format, below), and start working on your application straightaway.

Format Application form Guidance notes
DOC (older versions of Word) Application form Guidance notes
DOCX (newer versions of Word) Application form Guidance notes
PDF Application form Guidance notes

Project applications should align with this year’s theme: Sustaining Leith: supporting and protecting the most vulnerable in our community.If you feel you would like to discuss your ideas, or need some help or advice with your application, please get in touch and a member of the Steering Group will make contact with you to offer support. Email:

Why so early this year? We know from feedback from applicants in the past that it can be an uncomfortable struggle to be finishing off an application at the tail end of the year, just as Christmas is approaching, so moving everything a bit earlier is an attempt to remove that barrier. Voting will be in January 2023.