Applications 2018-2019


Download an Application Form 2018/19

Download the Guidance notes 2018/19

Download notes about the Voting Process 2018/19

The deadline for application to £eith Chooses 2018/2019 is 21 January 2019. Please don’t leave applying to the very last minute, in case you need to ‘tweak’ your application.

If you have any queries about your application, or would like to ask for help with getting your group ‘constituted’ , or with completing the form, please contact Caroline Lamond.
Email:     Tel: 0131 469 3507

For face to face advice and support, and information about Boost Vote criteia, come along to a Support Session at the library

All the applications will be checked and recorded. You will receive an official email shortly after submission, confirming that your application has been accepted, and providing further details about the next steps. Or, If we have any queries, or need further information, we will contact you.