In all, 23 projects applied to £eith Chooses this year, and the total amount of money requested amounted to £94,741. But as there was only £52,624 available, sadly not every group that applied could be successful in winning funding.
Based on the number of votes received from members of the Leith community, 12 projects will receive full funding and 1 project will receive partial funding. Congratulations to all!
Therefore, sadly, there are groups that were not successful this year. If your group’s name isn’t on this list below, it means your group has not been succesful in winning funding this year. Commiserations – this is of course very disappointing, but please don’t be too discouraged; your work, and your participation in £eith Chooses are really valued, and hopefully your time will come sometime soon.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone that took part!
This year, £eith Chooses will fund projects by the following community groups in Leith:
- The Men of Leith Men’s Shed
- Citadel Youth Centre
- Edinburgh Remakery
- Leith Festival
- Edinburgh Tool Library
- Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain
- Hibernian Community Foundation
- Dr Bells Family Centre
- Leith Athletic
- Edinburgh Community Food
- Himalayan Centre
& (partial funding)
- SHE Scotland
If you want to know more about what all these groups / projects are about, you can check them out at
If any groups would like to talk further about their position, they should contact Jade Mooney directly by email at
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Results ‘ceremony’ tonight, it is so lovely that so many people made the effort, and showed yet again what a great community Leith is.

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