Enjoy the summer everyone! Here’s the latest news from £eith Chooses –
Theme for your project
The theme for £eith Chooses for 2023/2024 is – with a nod of acknowledgment to Glasgow who thought of it first –
This is pretty open, so please get creative and start thinking of a project you might do.
When £eith Decides first started back in 2010, for the first few years the applications seemed to be mostly about buying ‘stuff’ (equipment). We are happy that since then, successful projects have become those that focus more on people, social interaction, creativity and inclusive activities, rather than just on ‘stuff’….
Applications are opening earlier, and you have more time
£eith Chooses will be open for applications early this year – from Wednesday 16th August (that’s when the new school years starts, too). You will have the full school term to prepare and submit your application (until Tuesday 10th October). But please make good use of this extra time, and don’t leave everything until the last minute…!
Get Support
At our ‘community conversation’ day in May, many groups expressed a wish for more support, in putting together their application. We’ll be working hard to make sure that can be provided, in various formats. More details on that coming soon. Again – get in touch early, to make the most of support opportunities. Contact can be made via: leithchooses@edinburgh.gov.uk
Application forms and Guidance Notes will be available soon, from this site.
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