Applying to the £eith Chooses fund is more of a ‘process’ than one-off act.
- You will be thinking about projects you / your group are keen to put into practice.
- Have a read of the Themes, the Rules and the Guidance , so your project will ‘fit’.
- Think about how much it might all cost and therefore which ‘pot’ of money you think you should apply to.
- Come and talk to us about it! This is a chance for you to ask questions; ‘brainstorm ‘ about how best to frame and present your application; and to get help, if you need it, with developing a Constitution and getting a bank account (not required for Small grants, but necessary for Medium & Large grants). It can be useful to use other people, who are slightly more detached, as a ‘sounding board’ for shaping ideas.
Our Help and Support Sessions are running through December and January (with a wee break for Christmas and New Year holidays). These are very informal. Their aim is simply to encourage groups to apply, and to provide whatever support is needed. They are taking place as follows:
Mondays – Leith Library (Ferry Road) 12-2 pm and 5-7pm
Tuesdays – MacDonald Road Library 12-2 pm and 5-7pm
Wednesdays – Community Centre, Newkirkgate 12-2 pm (Persevere Room) and 5-7pm (cafe)
Thursdays – The Hub, Restalrig Road 12-2 pm only
If you start having a conversation in one of these places with a particular person /team, it makes sense to go back to continue the conversation with the same people, in the same place.