We aim to make this whole process as barrier-free as possible, but there are inevitably some ‘Rules’ for both applicants and voters. Please make contact to discuss any queries that arise.
- You must be 8 years old or over.
- You must live, work, study (go to school or college), or volunteer in Leith (verifiable by address / postcode).
- To vote, you need to be able to get online (there will, sadly, be no face to face voting event in 2021).
- You can only participate once in the voting process, but as part of the process you will get 4 votes. 3 are for your top 3 projects – only one vote per project (and you should cast all 3), and the 4rth vote (optional) is for your preferred ethnic minority project.
- Your project will benefit the community / people of Leith.
- Groups can only make one application in total.
- Your project will be a new project, a development or a significant new element – not just ‘more of the same’ or a continuation of long-standing activities.
- Your project will be completed within six months (by autumn 2021)
- Your project will fit within the Theme for 2020-2021
- You will submit details of your project to be displayed online, to tell voters about your project.
- If needed, you must show evidence that you have appropriate permission, insurance, Disclosure Scotland checks etc.
- If your project costs more than the amount you are applying for, you need to show proof that you have the rest of the money and can complete the project.
Projects that won’t be funded. Applications will be rejected that include:
- Political, lobbying or religious activity – though applications can be accepted from faith or political groups for doing local community work.
- Ongoing salary costs (though fees for one-off tutor, or workshop leader etc. is fine, also hire of short term project worker for this specific project).
- Routine property maintenance or ongoing running costs.
- Servicing of debt or monies already spent.
- Contributions towards a much larger fund raising appeal, e.g. for a new building.
- Applications from publicly funded bodies e.g. schools, NHS, Police. However community partnership projects may be considered.
- Projects outside Leith or not benefiting people / the community of Leith
Leith, as defined by the Leith Neighbourhood Network (View ‘expandable’ map here) plus the three Leith Community Councils, is everything within the black line on this map. (The Community Councils add some extra very small areas in places, on the fringes of the Leith Neighbourhood Network.)
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