You can vote if you are over 8 years old and you live, work, study or volunteer in Leith.
You can only vote once online (whether or not you voted in person). Click the blue text below to link to the voting site.
To vote you need a special Access Code and a Password. Please note that you can no longer obtain an access code by emailing in, as there is no time left to process them before close of voting. Voter Access Code cards are still available from Leith Library (Ferry Road), and MacDonald Road Library (until libraries close at 5 pm on Saturday, or until the cards run out, whichever is the sooner….). You must provide your name and address and postcode to determine whether you are eligible to vote. That information will be held securely for 31 days and then deleted. See more details of Privacy policy / compliance with Data Protection legislation
You get 4 votes in each of the three pots (small, medium, large). You can only vote once for any particular project. You must use all 4 votes, and hit to CONFIRM each or none of them will count. (You can choose VOTE on projects and then unclick those again if you change your mind, as often as you like, but once you’ve clicked CONFIRM, there’s no going back and undoing votes.)
Online Voting was ‘switched off’ at 5 pm on Saturday 17th March.