£EITH CHOOSES is a way for local people to choose the projects in their area that they want to see getting funded. Funding depends on how the community in Leith votes.
Everybody over 8 years old, who lives, works, volunteers or studies in Leith can vote. We want as many people as possible to take part. But voting is not until February/March 2018.
For the moment, applications are being requested from groups that have ideas for projects that would benefit people / the community in Leith. Help to get an application together is available – see Help and Support Sessions page.
For 2017/ 2018 there is an amazing £116,000 altogether available for projects. That money comes from funding obtained by Leith Links Community Council from Scottish Government (Community Choices Fund) put together with £44,000 from the Community Grants Fund monies that is allocated to the Leith Neighbourhood Partnership by City of Edinburgh Council. See our Grant Pots, Themes, and Rules pages.
The Launch and first Funding Workshop is tonight, Wednesday 22nd November 2017. Do please come along and hear what it’s all about, discuss ideas and meet possible (project) partners, grab a set of Guidance Notes and Application Forms, have a Tunnocks teacake….
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