£eith Chooses rides again!Application forms and Guidance Notes are being updated, and will be available in September. Grants of up to £5,000 will be available, subject to community votes.
The theme for £eith Chooses 2021-2022 (below) is based on the priorities of the Locality Improvement Plan’ (‘addressing inequality’), and on the hope of directing funds towards the most vulnerable in our community. We are hoping that this theme is open enough to include a wide range of possible projects and will not create barriers for community groups and charities, who already have more than enough to contend with these days.
Reconnecting in Leith:
Nourishment, Creativity, Sustainability
Do you like this theme, and think your group can work within it, and put forward a project plan that would benefit your community? Or are you unhappy with this theme?, We’d like feedback – and as quickly as possible, please. Email caroline.lamond@edinburgh.gov.uk
We are open to having another online community meeting if people want to discuss different proposals.
In the light of ongoing Covid concerns, we have reluctantly had to take the decision to again have voting online only, for the next round of £eith Chooses, which will be around January 2022.
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