Vote online until February 5th

Who will receive receive £eith Chooses funding? It depends on your votes.
You have two votes – one in person (27th January) and one online. The in-person voting event is over now, so you may have missed that chance, but online voting is still open, so don’t miss that!

You can review all the great projects applying for funding, make your choices, and vote online once, until 5 February, at (This link opens a  new window.)
Find out more about each project here (listed below in randomised order) or see the same project list on the voting site (This link opens a new window.):


Online voting is open – which brilliant Leith projects will you vote for?

Who will receive receive £eith Chooses funding? It depends on your votes.
Online voting is open now!

  • You can vote online once, between 22nd January and 5 February, at (This link opens a  new window.)
  • And / or you can vote once in-person at the Voting Day event on 27th January, in Leith Community Centre – just come along and bring all your friends and family.
  • Everyone who lives, works, studies or volunteers in Leith is entitled to vote.
  • Read more about voting at (This link opens a new tab or new window.)
  • You need to check out all the brilliant project applications, and plan which you will vote for. If you want to browse before going to the voting site,the gallery of projects is now OPEN. (This link opens a new tab or new window, or see list below.)
    Find out more about each project here (listed below in randomised order) or see the same project list on the voting site (This link opens a new window.):


Happy New Year, from £eith Chooses

The £eith Chooses team wishes everyone in Leith a peaceful, happy and healthy New Year!

Now that it’s January, it’s nearly time to VOTE for your favourite local Leith community projects. You will have 2 chances to vote –

  1. Online voting will open on Monday 22nd January 2024 and will be open for two weeks until 5 February 2024
  2. In-person voting will be held in the Leith Community Centre on Saturday 27th January 2024.

You can vote once online and once in person. Please do try and come to the Voting Day in person, it is always a very lively day, fun for kids and a great chance to meet people and hear more about all the great organisations and groups that work to make Leith the fantastic community it is.Make sure the date in your diary now!

Happy Christmas – and vote in January!

The £eith Chooses team wishes everyone in Leith a peaceful and happy Christmas, and sends warmest wishes to all for a good New Year!

When the New Year comes along, remember that it’s time to VOTE for your favourite local Leith community projects. You will have 2 chances to vote –

  1. Online voting will open on Monday 22nd January 2024 and will be open for two weeks until 5 February 2024
  2. In-person voting will be held in the Leith Community Centre on Saturday 27th January 2024.

You can vote once online and once in person. Please do try and come to the Voting Day in person, it is always a very lively day, fun for kids and a great chance to meet people and hear more about all the great organisations and groups that work to make Leith the fantastic community it is. Get the date in your diary now!

Save the date – 27 January 2024!

All the applications for £eith Chooses are now in and being processed. Next comes YOUR chance to vote for which projects you think would benefit Leith the most.

Voting will be in January 2024. You will have 2 chances to vote –

  1. Online voting will open on Monday 22nd January and will be open for two weeks until 2nd February 2024
  2. In-person voting will be held in the Leith Community Centre on Saturday 27th January 2024.

You can vote once online and once in person. Please do try and come to the Voting Day in person, it is always a very lively day, fun for kids and a great chance to meet people and hear more about all the great organisations and groups that work to make Leith the fantastic community it is.

Get the date in your diary now!

Deadline approaching….. please get your application in!

£eith Chooses 2023/2024 is still open for applications but the window of time closes on 10th October, so NOW is the time to get your application in! Even if it’s not 100% finished & refined, you should get it in by the deadline, and ask for help from the Steering Group to tie up some of the loose ends, if needed.

There is £52,000 available for projects of up to £5,000 each. Yours could be one of the 10-12 projects that get funded!

The theme for £eith Chooses 2023/2024 is – yes, we know Glasgow thought of it first-

How to apply

  • Reflect on the 2023-2024 Theme: People Make Leith
  • Think about what kind of project your organisation would like to offer to the community, within this theme
  • Download and read the 2023-2024 Application Form and Guidance Notes
    • These are available below in DOCX format (for modern word-processors), DOC format (for older word-processors) and PDF (Adobe Acrobat, Apple Preview etc) formats.
  • Formulate your community project and calculate budget 
  • Consult partners, if appropriate. Remember that two or more groups may form a partnership, to best deliver a project that meets the theme.
  • Seek support with your application from the £eithChooses team, if you want
  • Write and submit application

2023-2024 Application Form and Guidance Notes

format Application Form Guidance Notes
DOCX Application form (DOCX format) Guidance notes (DOCX format)
DOC Application form (DOC format) Guidance notes (DOC format)
PDF Application form (PDF format) Guidance notes (PDF format)


  • Applications –  closes 10 October 2023 (any extensions will be announced at the time)
  • Support available – Email in to ask for further information, to run your plans past the Steering Group or to ask for personalised support ( by visit or online meeting). Contact:
  • Project Gallery available to view online – from 4 January 2024
  • Voting – online 22 January to 4 February 2023, plus an in-person voting day (27 January)
  • Results Announced – early February 2024
  • Funds Disbursed  – on or before 1 April 2024

Contact can be made via:


Get help with planning your application for £eith Chooses 2023/24

Time is passing – applications to £eith Chooses close on 10 October, only a month away…

Please come to a short session on Wednesday 20th September, at Norton Park Conference Centre, to get your £eith Chooses application into gear. The £eith Chooses team will be there to help you.

Please say whether you wish to attend 3-5pm session or 5:30-7:30pm, and sign up by emailing Jade Mooney at

We will go through the application form to make sure everything is clear, point out frequently made mistakes, and have plenty of time to answer questions, discuss any points raised, and arrange further support etc. as required. Tea, coffee, biscuits etc. will be available.

Many thanks to Norton Park for hosting.


Open for applications – Support Session 20th September

Have you started to think about your project application to £eith Chooses, yet? If you would like information and/or support with your application, there are various options.

Any or all of the following are available to you:

  1. Come to a group Support Session on Wednesday 20th September, with the £eith Chooses Team. The lovely folk at Norton Park have generously offered free use of their facilities. There will be two sessions; one from 3pm – 5pm and another from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. SAVE THE DATE! Let us know which session you’d like to attend and we will keep you a place.
  2. Email in and ask for the information you need and/or the kind of support that suits you best –
    – We can offer someone to visit you at your place of work or any place and time of your choosing to talk through your plans, privately.
    – You can ask for a  ‘mentor’. We can offer you a named person from the £eith Chooses Steering Group who will be your contact  link on an ongoing basis and can be available for regular consultations.

Getting started earlier rather than later is the best way to get the most out of  these support options

To follow up on all or any of these options, please email Jade Mooney at

Meanwhile, download the 2023-2024 Application Form and Guidance Notes here:

Format Application Form Guidance Notes
DOCX Application form (DOCX format) Guidance notes (DOCX format)
DOC Application form (DOC format) Guidance notes (DOC format)
PDF Application form (PDF format) Guidance notes (PDF format)

PEOPLE MAKE LEITH £eith Chooses 2023/2024 opens today!

£eith Chooses 2023/2024 is now open for applications! There is £52,000 available for projects of up to £5,000 each.

The theme for £eith Chooses 2023/2024 is – yes, we know Glasgow thought of it first-

How to apply

  • Reflect on the 2023-2024 Theme: People Make Leith
  • Think about what kind of project your organisation would like to offer to the community, within this theme
  • Download and read the 2023-2024 Application Form and Guidance Notes
    • These are available below in DOCX format (for modern word-processors), DOC format (for older word-processors) and PDF (Adobe Acrobat, Apple Preview etc) formats.
  • Formulate your community project and calculate budget 
  • Consult partners, if appropriate. Remember that two or more groups may form a partnership, to best deliver a project that meets the theme.
  • Seek support with your application from the £eithChooses team, if you want
  • Write and submit application

2023-2024 Application Form and Guidance Notes

format Application Form Guidance Notes
DOCX Application form (DOCX format) Guidance notes (DOCX format)
DOC Application form (DOC format) Guidance notes (DOC format)
PDF Application form (PDF format) Guidance notes (PDF format)


  • Applications open – 16 August 2023
  • Support available – sign up for Q & A sessions (September dates to be announced very soon) and / or email in to ask for information or for further personalised support
  • Applications close – 10 October 2023 (any extensions will be announced at the time)
  • Project Gallery available to view online – from 4 January 2024
  • Voting – online 22 January to 4 February 2023, plus an in-person voting day (29 January)
  • Results Announced – early February 2024
  • Funds Disbursed  – on or before 1 April 2024

Contact can be made via:

Get Ready for £eith Chooses…..

Enjoy the summer everyone! Here’s the latest news from £eith Chooses –

Theme for your project

The theme for £eith Chooses for 2023/2024 is – with a nod of acknowledgment to Glasgow who thought of it first –

This is pretty open, so please get creative and start thinking of a project you might do.
When £eith Decides first started back in 2010, for the first few years the applications seemed to be mostly about buying ‘stuff’ (equipment). We are happy that since then, successful projects have become those that focus more on people, social interaction, creativity and inclusive activities, rather than just on ‘stuff’….

Applications are opening earlier, and you have more time

£eith Chooses will be open for applications early this year – from Wednesday 16th August (that’s when the new school years starts, too). You will have the full school term to prepare and submit your application (until Tuesday 10th October). But please make good use of this extra time, and don’t leave everything until the last minute…!

Get Support

At our ‘community conversation’ day in May, many groups expressed a wish for more support, in putting together their application. We’ll be working hard to make sure that can be provided, in various formats. More details on that coming soon. Again – get in touch early, to make the most of support opportunities. Contact can be made via:

Application forms and Guidance Notes will be available soon, from this site.