£eithChooses Boost Vote 2023-2024

What is the boost vote?

In recognition of the fact that in the past minority ethnic groups/projects tended to miss out on funding, due to their minority status, the boost vote (first introduced in 2018-2019) is designed to promote fairness, as illustrated below.
Illustration by Ash Pryce, based on an original idea by Craig Froehle (hat-tip to IISC and Angus Maguire)

All applicants should be aware of this boost vote, how it works, and how projects may qualify. Applicants should indicate if they think their project qualifies, and if they are applying for boost vote status.

Qualifying for boost votes

To qualify for boost votes, project applications must meet criteria 1 or 2 on the ‘Eligibility criteria for boost vote’ table on page 7 of the application form. Organisations should first ‘self-assess’ where their project fits on this table, and tick Yes on the application form if they think they qualify. This will then be reviewed by £eith Chooses organisers. Supporting evidence to demonstrate where the project fits on the table should be available. Organisations should bear in mind that £eith Chooses will make the final decision on whether or not the project qualifies for a boost vote.

What is a ‘Minority ethnic project’?

Minority ethnic projects are those specifically concerned with groups or individual members of the Leith community with a different or additional original race, nationality, culture or language from the majority. There should be a clear understanding on all sides that working with people from minority ethnic communities should be a foundational (and ideally, a long-standing) part of the organisation’s work, and a key part of the proposed project, rather than just creation of a new/temporary partnership as a quick ‘tweak’ to meet short-term project funding requirements.

Eligibility criteria for boost vote

To be considered as a ‘minority ethnic project’, applying organisations must demonstrate that:


  1. The applying organisation specifically supports in particular one or more minority ethnic communities, and so does the proposed project.


  1. Management, staff and volunteers are mostly from minority ethnic communities
  2. At least half of the beneficiaries of this project will be from minority ethnic communities
  3. If/when necessary, Information and/or project materials are produced in more than one language, and interpreters/translators are routinely provided, or other cultural supports as required.
  1. The applying organisation – or a new and special part of the organisation’s existing work (or a new partnership with another organisation) – is specifically dedicated to include and benefit members of minority ethnic communities. A significant/central aspect of this project is about supporting one or more minority ethnic communities, or working to bring different ethnic communities together.


  1. A significant proportion of management, staff and volunteers are from minority ethnic communities.
  2. At least half of the beneficiaries of this project will be from minority ethnic communities
  3. Research/outreach work has been carried out to find out more about the needs and barriers faced by minority ethnic communities, and what is needed to overcome them. Work has already been carried out on encouraging minority ethnic communities to become involved in the project.

‘Demonstrating’ the conditions of 1 and 2 above should include:

  • Being able to provide supporting evidence showing established work with minority ethnic communities.
  • Providing details of plans or efforts to publicise the organisation/project and to distribute project information and materials amongst minority ethnic communities, to actively encourage their participation and to consider any special support issues that they may need.
  • Making provision for translation and/or interpretation of project information into two or more languages, and/or providing other cultural support, as needed.
  • Showing that special efforts have been made to extend the inclusivity of the organisation and/or the project by arranging dialogue resulting in a firm commitment to partnership with at least two different minority ethnic groups or communities for the period of this project, and a stated intention to maintain an ongoing relationship after the project ends.
  • Documentation (e.g. designated contacts, minuted discussions, records of meetings) can be provided to prove the above, and to prove ongoing and active partnership beyond the immediate scope of this project, along with indications as to how it will be maintained (e.g. formal written documents such as signed Memoranda of Understanding or Service Level Agreements).


  1. While the project is inclusive in that it is open to all, including individual members of minority ethnic communities, no special efforts are planned or made to encourage or develop greater involvement of, or benefit for, minority ethnic communities, specifically.
  2. The project will involve or benefit a specific group of people, but none or almost none of them are members of minority ethnic communities.