£eithChooses voting 2025

You are eligible to vote if you are 8 years old or over, and live, work, study or volunteer in Leith, as shown in the map below. You can vote online for up to four projects (including your ‘boost vote’). The projects are on the LeithChooses gallery. (This link opens a new window.)

LeithChooses area boundary

Click the map to make it appear full-size in a new window or tab.

Online voting opens at the very start of 20 January 2025 and closes at 23:59 on 3rd February 20205. You can vote online at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/voteleithchooses.

We are also very pleased to confirm there will also be in-person voting at a community voting day: 18 January 2024 (12 noon to 3pm), at the Leith Community Centre (12A Newkirkgate, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6AD).

  • Voters may vote twice if they wish to: once in-person at the voting event and once online.
  • If voting twice, voters should tick the box on the online voting form, to state this.
  • If voting twice, voters can cast the same votes in-person as online, or choose different projects each time they vote.
  • All voters get 4 votes (or 2×4 votes for those choosing to vote twice).
  • 3 of the 4 votes will be cast for 3 different favourite projects – only one vote per project – out of the total number of project applications.
  • The 4th vote (which is optional) is known as the ‘Boost vote’. Having already cast their first three votes, all voters can choose to cast an extra vote to support a minority ethnic project. This can be a second vote for a project they’ve already voted for, or it can be a new, extra vote for a different project.