Theme 2024-2025

The theme for £eithChooses for 2024/2025 is

Leith Uniting

Hopefully this is open enough to allow for all sorts of creative interpretations. We will look forward to hearing your ideas for new projects!

When £eith Decides first started back in 2010, for the first few years the applications seemed to be mostly about buying ‘stuff’ (equipment). We are happy that since then, successful projects have become those that focus more on meeting urgent needs, and on people, social interaction, creativity and inclusive activities, rather than just on ‘stuff’.

Please make it clear in your application how your proposed project fits within this theme. Different groups will no doubt interpret this challenge in different ways, which is great.

Remember that two or more groups may form a partnership, to best deliver a project that meets the theme. At least one of the partners needs to be a constituted group with a bank account, and will be the ‘lead partner’.